Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Demicron WireFusion v4.1.7

WireFusion is a rich-media platform that visually integrates several different media types into a single player. It supports 3D, 2D, Macromedia Flash, MPEG video and MP3 audio. It is also capable of creating 360 degrees panoramas, slide shows and zoomable images.

WireFusion 4, the world's most powerful professional web3D solution, offering the ultimate in professional tools required for creating eye-catching interactive product presentations, animations and virtual worlds for the web, will soon be released.

The Windows versions are scheduled to go on sale on May 17, 2004. The Mac OS X and Linux versions will be available shortly after. International versions with multi-language support will be available after the Mac OS X and Linux releases.

WireFusion 4 highlights:
- No browser plug-in needed to view presentations
- Comprehensive visual tools for logic creation
- Short-time-to-market
- Supports 3D models specified in VRML format
- Supports Macromedia® Flash (SWF) animations
- Supports MPEG video and MP3 audio
- Java language support for advanced scripting
- JavaScript support for external communication
- 3D API for advanced 3D programming
- Robust 2D authoring capabilities

Modelling tools support:
Supports all 3D authoring tools with the capability
of exporting to the VRML 97/2.0 standard, such as:
- 3ds max
- 3D Studio VIZ
- Plasma
- Maya
- Lightwave
- Cinema4D
- Carrara
- Amapi
- trueSpace
- Poser
- vizx3D
- Microstation
- AutoCAD (with VRMLout)
- Inventor (with VRMLout)
- and many more...

- Reflection
- Phong
- Gouraud
- Wireframe
- Contour
- Constant
- Flat
- Individual shading
- Navigation Renderer

Rendering features
- Bilinear filtering
- MIP mapping
- Real-time shadows
- Anti-aliasing
- 256 levels of transparency
- Overlapping transparent surfaces
- 32-bit color depth rendering
- True 32-bit z-buffer
- Backface culling
- 3D clipping

- Full scene anti-aliasing
- Edge anti-aliasing

- UV texture mapping
- Bilinear filtering
- MIP mapping
- Texture opacity
- Alpha channel
- Dynamic textures architecture
- Perspective correction
- Sub-pixel precision
- 8-bit or 24 bit high-resolution bitmaps

Material settings
- Ambient intensity
- Diffuse color
- Specular color
- Emissive color
- Glossiness
- Opacity
- Reflection map
- Material assignment

- Full control over the animation
- Matrix animations
- Vertex animations
- Dynamic normals
- Material properties animation
- Light animation
- Camera animation
- Hierarchic animation control

- Crease angle
- Generated normals

Download | 41 mb

Pass : SmS

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